Monthly Archives: October 2012

Scrapped. In Editing. In Creative Stages.


I tried to read the manuscript I was working on so I could jump back into it.  That’s not going to happen. I wrote some notes for future reference in case I ever get back to that story, which I’m sure I will someday.  The problem is, that story is so far out of my head that I can’t seem to jump back in.  This is what comes from almost two months of not writing it.  The pace and focus are beside me, so I felt it was best to scrap the book and come back to it later when I am not so distraught over being so far behind. I wonder if I am the only one who has ever felt that way? So, my latest tear-jerker that was so dear to my heart is now scrapped.

In Editing:

The self-help guide for new authors however, is complete and going through the final editing stages.  We finally decided on a title, How to Survive the Writing Apocalypse: the 21st Century indie authors manual to content & mechanical editing. It may also be: How to Survive the Indie Author Apocalypse: A 21st Century guide to content & mechanics.  The book was supposed to be out by early Spring on ereader, soft and hardcover, but with financial restraints and time constraints, I have chosen to print through Booktango for ereaders first.  This will be a beta run to see how well the book does.  If there is  a desire to have to tradeback version then we will add that route next Spring and hope for a summer release.

The book covers many aspects for new indie authors as well as authors who are looking to send in queries to mainstream publishing houses.  It covers point of view, head hopping, staying in character, use of bold/all capitals/and italics, period based writing, foresight, characterization, back story, branding, and much more. I wrote it with the intention of being easy to follow and understand (some books are just too wordy and difficult to follow).  There is a checklist at the end along with a “Do’s & Don’ts” page.  This is all the stuff I spent months researching when Iuniverse told me to drop crazy money on a book doctor and then another round of editing. That was beyond my budget, so I did all the mundane research, compiled a very comprehensive list of content & mechanical guidelines, and rewrote my book, Be Still.  Since then I have shared my notes with others so they wouldn’t have to spend days researching, and finally someone asked if I would just put it in a book she could carry for reference. Clever idea. So, I did. Keep an eye out for it on ereaders.

In Creative Stages:

Since my tear jerker was scrapped, I continue writing my YA scifi book on aliens.  That is more or less a side project, but my creative juices flared when I overheard a couple talking and the guy tells his girl, “You know I would die without you.” Bling!!! <–the sound of my creative lightbulb turning on.  I asked myself, what if it were true?  No, not like a suicide kind of thing, but more like a, “What if someone actually died without their other half.  Oh man, my mind went racing, and before I knew it, I had a beginning, middle, and end. Time to write.

In the Interest of My Sanity

It would be much to difficult to explain the mental duress I have put myself through these past few months.  Working either overtime, double time, and then taking on a second job have nearly broken me.  My goal was to pay off my bills by next summer and be debt free.  Not sure just how close I am to that, but it seems the more I work the more bills pop out of nowhere.  I can’t even begin to explain how I pay well over $4,000 a month in expenses making under $4k a month.  I call it miracle math.

But with that little tidbit of my life being put on blast to the world, it goes without saying that I am fundamentally unhappy.  I wake up at 6am to be at work  by 7am and get home by 8pm, if I didn’t have to stop for groceries or some other miscellaneous chore.  All the while, I quietly repeat to myself, “I will walk a mile on the treadmill and write at least one chapter before bed.”  Guess how many times that has happened? Zero!

My life is lacking.  I miss working out, but so much more I miss writing.  It has been exactly 5 weeks since even opening the documents page of my latest tear jerker.  I’ve managed to squeeze out about an hour of writing my sci fi book, and that only happens on Sundays while driving my daughter to Los Angeles (don’t worry readers, I’m not driving and writing–although, as a mother I feel I could make it happen 🙂  ).  So, unhappy with my weight and disappointed with the amount of writing being put out, I had to make a choice.

As of next Wednesday, in the interest of keeping my sanity and running toward the pursuit of happiness, I will be back down to one job.  I have also vowed to not work more than 40 hrs a week.  I’m not exactly sure how I will fund my future self-publications or support the costs of maintaining a home and family as a single mother, but I will cross that road when I get there.  I believe in the power of miracle math.  Until then I will drop the six pounds I gained and write a chapter a night and be at one within my contented universe again.

This is my question to you all:

Work at two jobs and be debt free, but miss out on the things you really want to do? Or, work one job, struggle to pay the bills, but do exactly what you love to do in the process?

See you all next week when I find the time to write again.  May you find peace and joy in the things you love most, and don’t forget to pursue your happiness.


Free Kindle Download

I am implementing a fun Friday theme. Maybe it will catch on . . .we’ll see. This beautiful, sunny, high desert, California day, I am giving away a free Kindle download of my book, “Be Still,” as part of a Free Fridays event. Oh, and celebrating the fact that I finally have a day off of work to do a promotion. Please share this with friends who like to read or use for yourself. I will be giving away 10 Kindle books between now and Sunday.

visit to see the book trailer and Pinterest to see what fun stuff I have come up with.

OKAY, to receive a free copy of Be Still go to and use one of these codes ( 3 codes posted, if one is already redeemed then move to the next. If all are used then leave me a reply and i’ll get you a code until all 10 are used):