Tag Archives: twinkie

The Antibiotic Trial

Ever hear the phrase, if it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all? Man oh man  has that been my week. How about the expression, when it rains it pours? Add that to my week and you get some fun, sad, and interesting tales. All of which will be incorporated into my writings for public musings.

First off: Last week I woke up feeling not quite right. I figured it was stress from not having steady hours at work and losing lots of pay. So I wake up with that, “something’s not quite right” feeling. The one where nothing is really wrong, but you just have this inkling…maybe its women’s intuition, but whatever it was landed me on my butt, back down on jagged rocks, sun trying to melt my face, as I vomited then proceeded to pass out. It felt like my heart was racing at a thousand miles a minute, but when the boyfriend (EMT/Firefighter) took my pulse it was slow and irregular. BLAH!! I don’t have time for that crap.

Second off: I went from having zero hours at work (as in: zip, zilch, nada, time to sell the farm) last week, to being triple booked this week. Pssst…that’s the when it rains it pours part. I took a new job, which makes this position #4 (ED nurse, PACU nurse, GI nurse, and ED nurse at a new facility). I was also offered a position at a place I was at before. Can you say, “Feast or famine?”

My life has become one big giant cliche of sayings.

Third off: After speaking with a doctor, he says, “Did you know if you had some kind of infection that you didn’t know about (given I had a high leukocyte count), that it can affect your heart?” Um, yeppers, I’m a nurse. Hello? I knew this . . . I just chose to put it somewhere in the back of my head. And so comes to next saying: Nurses and doctors make the worst patients. To that, I digress! I’m a freaking amazing patient. The best patient ever. I’m so stupendously amazing that I voluntarily stay out of the ER and doctor’s offices–even after passing out and having some phantom arrhythmia.

I’m living the cliches. I love my life. Because there are few Nurses and doctors who make the worst patients, especially during a time when it rains it pours, and still survive during the feast or famine, because–after all–if wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

On a side note: Always read the warnings on your antibiotics! Mine have basically given me permission to have visual and audio hallucinations (as if I needed antibiotics for that little talent), but it also gives me permission to essentially go postal and be able to ride the Antibiotic Defense all the way to trial. Just saying, if the Twinkie defense stands up, so does the Antibiotic one.

Tania L Ramos, RN and Author on Day #2 of Cootie Killers.



Question: If I already have voices in my head, does the medication give my voices the ability to hear voices in their head?

Writing made me Fat

     Is that a lame excuse? For a year now I have been waking up most mornings and pushing through some cardio, some light resistance training, Zumba on Wii, and Just Dance Sweat mode on Wii.  But since starting the edit on “Be Still,” I have not done anything remotely close to exercising…save for my walk downstairs to fill up my water cup.  So I put on my pants last night and they fit! Yeah, I know, I say it like its a bad thing.  BUT last month, they were so loose I thought of buying a smaller size.  I wake up early in the morning to edit.  Spend my days sitting down…editing.  Spend my night on the computer editing.  All my hard work down the drain in one month of editing.

     Oh and the snacking has increased, because taking up a bag of cookies is easier than making a sandwhich.  And grabbing fastfood is faster than taking time away from editing to cook.  I have yelled at the book, at the computer, and at my bulging belly.  Thanks boyfriend for you obligatory, “you look prefect to me, Honey.” But I feel plain awful.  I’m torn between getting out of bed to workout and staying in bed to write.  I desperately need to finish this book.  It is becoming my opus.  But it’s also becoming my enemy.  I can’t say just how tired I am of reading this book.  AND i will have to do editing again after it goes to content editing. Sigh! Whimper! Rolling on belly and curling into fetal position in a corner, shivering at the mere sight of that Sony Vaio.

     Writing has turned me into a chubby, hermit who lives in the first door to the right of the second floor (just in case you feel inclined to put me outta my misery).  As i sit here, Chips Ahoy cookie in hand, thoughts of gelato on my mind, still wearing pjs, looking at coupons to Subway, thinking the car is just too far away, I leave you with this thought: Please, please, please buy my book when it comes out so my weight gain won’t be in vain.  Thank you, and frozen Twinkies dipped in raspberry sauce are amazing!